Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I am not very good at keeping my promises apparently. I have not written for quite some time. I had the first procedure done December 7 2010 in Los Cabos Mexico, I had wonderful results some that have stayed longer than others. My mind is much better I can remember things, most of the time, and I am able to pay attention to a person as I do not hear a constant annoying white noise all the time anymore. I was able to enjoy the hot weather for a brief period of time, but the best was sleeping like a baby and my intestines were working properly again. Oh yeah I almost forgot but when i went to see my MS Opthamologist he said he doesn't need to see me anymore because I have no MS in my eyes now that is something to celebrate no MS? does that mean increased blood flow healed the optic neuritis? I do not know but my eyes are cured.

Anyway when things are doing so well with a body that was not working properly before I tended not to want to write a blog I wanted to get stuff done. I was able to laugh again I actually enjoyed being in groups of people the noise didn't annoy me I was able to keep up to conversations and well it was just a great feeling. I could walk by myself and the vertigo was almost gone the LHermitte's was completely gone. So we tried to enjoy ourselves and do some things I could not do for a long time.

In January of 2012 I noticed several small symptoms creeping back and I started to panic my life was far from perfect but it was so much better and I did not want to lose that. I began researching again and I found an IR one closer to me, only a three hour drive, in Seattle and made a decision that I was going to need to do this angioplasty for CCSVI again so I got myself booked in for April 17 2012. This time I was going to have more veins looked at and treated if necessary and it turned out that both my IJV were 70% narrowed  my Azygous was 50% my right Renal and Iliac veins were also both 50%. After this quick jot down to Seattle I came home and kind of felt a bit worse, I thought oh shit what have I done? Well with some much needed rest and time to allow my veins to heal I started to feel better again. Whoo Hoo I made the right choice for me yet again....

clinic has money, disappointing follow up

Would have been drafted April or May 2012

I realize it has been quit awhile since I last wrote, my treatment in Mexico went very well, I immediately gained at least 10 years of my life back. Some of the improvements were short lived and others stayed for quit sometime. Things like my eyes were 100% better were as the pain in my back began to bother me again within 3 months. Obviously I was feeling better enough to not have time to write this blog. 
When I went to Mexico the only veins treated were my IJV so I have been researching for quite sometime to see where I would be going next and after considerable research I choose to go to VAC to be treated by Dr. McGuckin, the reason I choose him was because he was very thorough in checking and treating various veins. So in April of this year 2012 I went to Tukwila Washington to see him.
My experience at VAC was a great one in the beginning the nurses are fantastic and the clinic was clean and everyone there seemed wonderful. Once prepped with my intravenous and pre meeting with doctor McGuckin things still seemed to be going unbelievably well.

Okay my symptoms going into VAC were. difficulty starting to release urine, weak right leg, extreme back pain around T12 and in the Lumbar zone. T12 happens to be were the Hemiazygous starts and I have an MRV that shows possible blockage in the Hemiazygous vein. I was concerned about May Thurner syndrome and wanted my entire azygous system treated as well as the iliac system. So basically I went to have the Azygous system done along with the Iliacs and it does not hurt to check the rest. My memory is OK I could deal with it I just had to write important things down but it would have been nice if it improved. Keep in mind I am low on the disability score 4.0 and I had incredible results in Mexico where they only treated the IJVs.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Wow was I ever sad back then, I am glad to say I had some of the best results from the CCSVI procedure. I guess you could say that and facebook are a couple of the reasons I stopped writing. CCSVI gave me my life back so I do not spend as much time on the computer, and when I did I was networking and researching. To be honest after reading what I wrote 6 years ago, I don;t think I will ever stop blogging maybe not every week but when I have time and thoughts to share or save I will, this is kind of like a diary. Hopefully give a basic review of the past 6 years soon. :))

Wow was I ever sad back then, I am glad to say I had some of the best results from the CCSVI procedure. I guess you could say that and facebook are a couple of the reasons I stopped writing. CCSVI gave me my life back so I do not spend as much time on the computer, and when I did I was networking and researching. To be honest after reading what I wrote 6 years ago, I don;t think I will ever stop blogging maybe not every week but when I have time and thoughts to share or save I will, this is kind of like a diary. Hopefully give a basic review of the past 6 years soon. :))

Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Update

Well it is November 28th 2010 and I leave for Los Cabos in 7 days, the countdown is on. I spoke with my Neurologists office the other day and they had nothing to good to say. I told her I was not sure if I would be able to get the treatment or not, as I am unable to come up with the funds but that if nothing else I would be going there and speaking with the doctors involved. I also told her I was scared and to that she replied with "why are you considering it if you are afraid" to which I said "it is my only real option to try to get my life back". At that point she must off thought I was a bit weak because she then told me that my MS clinic has seen several complications due to angioplasty for CCSVI including one person with a stroke that is in the hospital right now. I got off the phone and thought about it for a while and all it did was make me want to do it more. I was fibbing to her when I said I may not go through with it, my bad, I am going to do it I am very excited and nervous about it but I am going to do it, next week as a matter of fact. Wish me luck.

Now to get everything in order before we go has been a bit of a challenge, I have all my shots and prescriptions, but I am sure I have plenty more to do including packing for Stacy. We are leaving at such a cold time of the year and even that has me a bit worried for my house and pets. Hopefully it all goes well. I sure hope one of the things that improves for me is my cognitive functions, because I have been meaning to write this blog for several days now, I just am having a hard time getting it together. A couple of other things that would be nice are to lose the fatigue it is overwhelming and maybe if I am lucky get my balance back or lose the vertigo. I have nothing but great thoughts for this. On the other hand I am realistic and understand I may be one of the people that does not see much improvement. Trying to explain that to my friends has been a bit challenging, most of them think it will be the end of my problems I think it is a good reason to take better care of my life. Some have even asked me why I would do it if I am not sure it will help me? All I can say is I know where I am heading if I don't.

Anyway I may not write until I have had the procedure done so sometime in the first couple of weeks in December. Till then play safe and Take Care.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I was told a couple of weeks ago to phone this lady in my home town because she was going to Mexico for angioplasty and she knows everything about it. Even though I have been researching this since November of last year I thought maybe she knew something I didn't. I didn't call her till I had another friend show up at house and told me she knew someone I should talk to that this person was going to Mexico for angioplasty. I thought well maybe, but then she told me the lady's name and guess what it was the same lady but I still was in no hurry to call her. Finally I thought I should give her a call and see what my friends were talking about. So happens when I called her she was getting ready to head out the door so I gave her my phone number wished her best results in Mexico and asked her to call me when she gets back. The conversation was short and I was surprised at how easy it was.

Then two days later she called back she sounds like a nice enough person but then when it was to late to get out of the conversation, short of being rude, she started talking very loud almost yelling at me. Now I have heard about hearing problems with MS but never noticed it like this. I tried to talk to her but every time I would start talking she would loudly interupt me. When I finally got off the phone I felt like I had just had confrontation with her even though we hadn't had one because everything I said to her she told me I was wrong. I told her that there was one approved study in Canada where the government was going to consider the results, Dr. Haake blood quantification study, she told me I was wrong and that they are going to do the procedure at UBC and Dr. Haake she hadn't even heard of so asked her if she knew who Dr. Godley was and guess what she never heard of him either. I asked her if it was a neuro doing it or IR and Vascular doctors doing it she then told me she was in the study and it is a genetic specialist doing it. Now I do not have a clue what this woman is talking about but I know for sure that a genetic specialist can not and will not be presenting his finding to the government committee that has halted this procedure in Canada. She was reffered by her Neuroligist to see this man we the same Neuro and she knows better than to ask me to go see the guy. I could see a pharmacy company trying to get in on the genetics of why this happens to people but it is simple the only doctors that can make a difference are Vascular surgeons and Inteventional Radioligists. So much for talking to someone else with MS that knows everything. It made me realize why I stay at home and research things online with like minded people that I choose to be friends with.
It turns out she really knows very little, has cog fog quite bad and didn't even book her own procedure someone else did it for her. But she seems to know it all, I hope she doesn't give false hope to too many people. I am still researching as I have a hard time keeping up with it all.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I know I said I would try to write more often and I will, I have been feeling very crappy lately so I had to take a break and really think about what am I going to do. I am happy that I had a bit of time to look at what is really going on in my life, it seems like I have lost control of what should be the best years of my life, I should be working towards a retirement instead I am here wondering whats coming next? Never really knowing.
Through my fear of getting any worse than what I already am I made a decision I am going to get Angioplasty no more procrastinating from me, I am going. I have started one of the fundraisers already and working towards getting the other one going now I have one goal, raise 12,600 so I can get Angioplasty. I don't care if I am broke financially all that really matters is enjoying what little life we humans have so I am going to do what I think is best for me and my quality of life.
I have not always been the best friend or the most compassionate person, but now I am having to ask others to be compassionate towards me so not only am I learning to be humble but I am learning what kindness is and how to display it.
It is kind of ironic that I would end up mixed up in all this MS stuff and the politics that go with it as in the last ten years of my life my main interest is politics, not to be a politician, I see myself more like a whistle blower. I did not try to achieve anything except a job when I was younger (I just didn't know what I wanted) I have always liked helping people and my interests are politics maybe when this is all said and done I will find my place helping others while battling the powers that be. Granted I will need to become an even better person with a much vaster vocabulary but if Angioplasty works for me I want to do it. For the first time in my life I know what I want to do. I still want to help people and that can come in many forms but I feel that what people really need is a great advocate.
Once again thank you for reading, till next time PEACE